On 22 March 2009 (Sunday). We organized a talk to move people to another level of growth and help them discover themselves. Many who came enjoyed the talk and were blessed. Some also wanted to know more about the Marketplace Leadership Training.

At the start of our talk we had an ice breaker in which participants selected a leader to write a lists of leadership qualities and godly characters with the participation of the team members. They then introduced their team mates and read out their list of qualities. The winning team received a prize for the most number of qualities and characters. Our homework is to ensure we work on those qualities that we are weak in. 
Even adults had object lesson - Each picked a pretty, shinny, coloured glass pebble as a memento for the talk. This glass pebble represents our potential to be that diamond that is within us. This is a memorial stone for us and every time we feel low or defeated, we can reflect on our God given potential to help another instead of feeling helpless or miserable. Many issues in life cannot be solved within a short span of time or are within our control, therefore we look beyond us and see if we can bless another with our lives. We are leaders whether we like it or not. We are models (good or bad) to our kids, our colleagues, friends or community. Therefore we need to conciously and intentionally be a good one, not just be a good one but a great one. :)
Our very important asset - YOU or WE with our vast experiences, our commitment and great personalities. Most of all those who have found God and leaning on God to see them through life.
The highlight of our talk - our dynamic speaker had such ump.. any other teabags will not match that ump!!! :) Partnering with her is a good friend of mine, Joanne Sern who also shared her testimony and her initiative with Pemalik in their efforts to change some family laws pertaining to child support for kids above 18 years of age. Clap, clap, clap way to go ladies ......

In conjunction with the talk we celebrated Pastor Linda's birthday by honouring her with a bouquet of flowers for her dedication, leadership and commitment to the singles again. Psst.. she is still single as in single single never married and available.......
A small token of our appreciation for our great speaker, Madam Ooi Peik Si, Executive Director of Marketplace Leadership Center. Thank you so much, we love you, your encouragement and your relentless effort to transform lives.
Hi Deborah, When is the talk? Will try to make it this time. Each time I told myself to make it but failed, this time, mmm... still cannot promise but will try harder. Appreciate your effort to organise all the talks and gatherings for all of us.
I am reading the email you sent me re. crime cases in SJ, USJ, PJ, Sunway etc, I wonder whether we can put it up in the blog to reach out more people? There were so many emails sent to me with the video clips, so worrying ya!
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